
Routine Kickstarter Workout

Routine Kickstarter Workout

With September here and fall fast approaching, it’s the perfect time to start or get back into an active routine. Kickstart it with this quick and easy interval workout that can be done in a time crunch and without exercise equipment. The warm-up To warm up, practice...

Outdoor Family Fun Workout

Outdoor Family Fun Workout

With summer finally here and the kids out of school, it’s a perfect time to get active outdoors as a family. Looking for a quick and simple way to do this? Try this kid-friendly, equipment-free, total body workout that you can do at your local park or in your...

Need a pick-me-up? Try our health-boosting workout

Need a pick-me-up? Try our health-boosting workout

Looking for a fun and simple way to clock some of the recommended 150 minutes of weekly moderate-to-vigorous activity? Then check out this total-body, moderate-intensity workout you can do in just 10 to 15 minutes to soak up some health-boosting benefits. All you need...

Grow your muscles workout

Grow your muscles workout

Gardening offers many benefits to physical, mental and social well-being. Not only does it give you the chance to get some fresh air and sunshine, but gardening also provides valuable opportunities for muscle and bone building. This is because it requires you to push,...