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Outdoor movement for all

Creating supportive and inclusive outdoor environments for physical activity and recreation. A new pilot project from ParticipACTION and the Public Health Agency of Canada.
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Women smiling while working out

What is ParticiPARKS?


ParticiPARKS is a pilot project from ParticipACTION funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Healthy Canadians and Communities Fund (HCCF), which aims to improve health among people living in Canada who face health inequalities and are at greater risk of developing chronic diseases. The goal is to provide low-barrier outdoor movement opportunities for all, regardless of socioeconomic status, age, culture, race, gender, ability, sexual orientation or geographic location. ParticiPARKS are being designed with input from each local community site, especially community members from equity-denied groups. The final designs will deliver an equitable, inclusive and accessible outdoor park that will become an animated community hub supporting the physical and mental health of community members.


Four communities are currently engaged with our initial design process:

  1. La Ronge, SK
  2. Winnipeg, MB
  3. Brampton, ON
  4. Fredericton, NB

What will the parks look like?

Each community will require a unique approach to ensure that their ParticiPARK is low-barrier and provides outdoor movement opportunities for all, regardless of socioeconomic status, age, culture, race, gender, ability, sexual orientation or geographic location. Here’s what we DO know. It will:

  • Be designed by Bienenstock Natural Playgrounds.
  • Be an animated community hub for physical activity in nature for all ages and abilities.
  • Exist within the natural environment, like a trail, park or field.
  • Provide free and accessible stations that encourage physical activity in nature.
  • Include instructions with adaptations.
Girl running

The history: What’s old is new!


Thirty years ago, ParticipACTION built ParticiPARKS across the country in partnership with Kinsmen Canada (currently Kin Canada). Now, thanks to support from the Healthy Canadians and Communities Fund (HCCF), we’re reviving, rethinking and revamping the concept.

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