
Outdoor Family Fun Workout

Outdoor Family Fun Workout

With summer finally here and the kids out of school, it’s a perfect time to get active outdoors as a family. Looking for a quick and simple way to do this? Try this kid-friendly, equipment-free, total body workout that you can do at your local park or in your...

Grow your muscles workout

Grow your muscles workout

Gardening offers many benefits to physical, mental and social well-being. Not only does it give you the chance to get some fresh air and sunshine, but gardening also provides valuable opportunities for muscle and bone building. This is because it requires you to push,...

Unleashed and on the move

Unleashed and on the move

Britt Pearson’s Yukon lifestyle combines her love of dogs, the wilderness and staying active. Spectacular mountain views, wide-open vistas, glistening waters…and a mountain biking woman with a pack of nine dogs happily barrelling behind her? If you spend enough time...

Running to feel still

Running to feel still

Ultramarathoner Amy Kenny’s deep connection to her sport and the Yukon landscape The Yukon first captivated Amy Kenny’s heart when she toured through the territory on a cycling adventure 16 years ago. For years after she returned to her hometown of Hamilton, Ontario,...

Active Champions Series: Adam van Koeverden

Active Champions Series: Adam van Koeverden

“Getting outside, being physical, & enjoying some fresh air helps build a relationship with the natural environment & love for the outdoors.” Many Canadians struggle with prioritizing physical activity and making it a part of their daily routines. Squeezing in...