5 healthy workday habits to form

Did you know that October is Healthy Workplace Month in Canada? It’s a perfect opportunity to form healthy workday habits that will help you be more productive, feel less stressed, enjoy your work more and ultimately be happier while at work. Read on to see our suggested healthy habits to include in your workday.

5 healthy workday habits to form

Healthy workday habit #1: Break up sedentary time

Consider moving for three to four minutes every hour today to promote circulation and enhance thinking. It can be as simple as heading over to the kitchen to grab a drink or snack, going to the restroom or visiting a co-worker for a quick chat. To help you remember, schedule reminders on your computer or phone.

Healthy workday habit #2: Consider an active commute

Today, if possible, keep your car parked, and walk, wheel, roll or cycle to work instead, even if it’s just part of the way. If you’re working from home, instead of rolling out of bed and diving right into your work, try a “fake commute” by walking, wheeling, rolling or cycling around the block. You’ll be surprised by how much more physical activity you can get in!

Healthy workday habit #3: Go on a power walk, wheel or roll

On your way to or from work, during your lunch break or between meetings, add a little zip to your walk, wheel or roll to help you think more clearly!

Young man cycling with a office suite
Woman walking outdoors with a office outfit

Healthy workday habit #4: Get outside

Soak up some daylight for your mental health! Being physically active outdoors can boost your mood and decrease stress and anxiety.

Healthy workday habit #5: Stretch it out

Take some time to stretch your arms, torso, legs, neck and/or shoulders. This will keep your muscles limber to reduce workday stress-related injuries.