
Need a pick-me-up? Try our health-boosting workout

Need a pick-me-up? Try our health-boosting workout

Looking for a fun and simple way to clock some of the recommended 150 minutes of weekly moderate-to-vigorous activity? Then check out this total-body, moderate-intensity workout you can do in just 10 to 15 minutes to soak up some health-boosting benefits. All you need...

Lessons on physical activity

Lessons on physical activity

With our 50th anniversary celebrations concluding as 2021 comes to an end, we reached out to some of Canada’s leading physical activity researchers and influencers to ask a simple question: What is the one thing you wish everyone living in Canada knew about getting...

Active Champions Series: B.R. Sankeerth

Active Champions Series: B.R. Sankeerth

“Being mentally occupied with a sport or a goal or a dream, I do think it helps you deal with stress.” Many Canadians want to find a way to move their bodies every day. That’s because engaging in daily physical activity is one of the simplest and most effective ways...