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4 people smiling and shaking hands holding a basketball

Start your own active group

Start your own active group on Nextdoor, the neighbourhood social network.

Steps to create your active group:

  1. Create an account which connects you to neighbours based on your location.
  2. Tell neighbours who live near you that you’re looking for others to get active with.
  3. Coordinate a meet-up and get moving!
Various sport objects on the ground including, yoga mat, basketball, football, raquet

Quiz: Figure out what physical activities and sports you enjoy

Start by identifying which sports and physical activities you like or want to try. Knowing this will help you find groups with shared passions and interests. Not sure where to start? Take our quiz for some thought-starters on activities that are best suited to you!

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peaple wearing gym gear and smiling

Sign up for group fitness classes or join a local rec sports team or league

From aquafit to Zumba to adult soccer, there are tons of group fitness classes and sports available at gyms, recreation centres and pools across the country. Visit your municipality’s website or explore the offerings of facilities near you. For example, see if there’s a local YMCA near you:

Exercise Videos

Looking for more ways to move?

Check out our workout videos designed to help get you moving no matter where you’re at on your physical activity journey. Whether you’re at home, at work or on-the-go, these videos are the perfect way to sneak some activity into your day.

Join a digital challenge

Tracking your activity helps you stay accountable and more likely to achieve your goals. Download the free Optimity app, ParticipACTION’s digital challenge partner, to get a personalized step goal, participate in regular activity challenges and earn rewards for healthy actions!

optimity app screen preview in a mobile phone for android and apple
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Tell us about your active crowd!

Have you already fallen in with an active crowd and want to tell your story?

Email us at or create a post on social media sharing your story and tag us on using the hashtag #MyActiveCrowd!

group of 4 diverse people walking and smiling

How much physical activity do I need?

The 24-Hour Movement Guidelines show us how we can balance movement with sleep and reduce our sedentary time each day to live our best lives.
 A sleeping baby figurine

0 - 4 Years

Athletic Teen Girl Playing Soccer Ball

5 - 17 Years

A middle-aged man playing field hockey

18 - 64 Years

A senior man pretending to play guitar on a tennis racquet

65+ Years

Explore the benefits of physical activity

Everything gets better when you get active! Find out how you can improve your life today.
A man in a wheelchair holding a tennis racquet


Benefits for your body.
A woman dancing while wearing headphones


Benefits for your mind.
Two young girls doing yoga together


Benefits for your soul.